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And whatever you do, do it heartily
One evening, I found out, in a very practical way, what it means to do everything heartily as unto the Lord.

There were exams to study for, papers to write, and the laundry was piling up. It was the evening of my youth group's Bible study and I was missing it again. I wanted to take my younger sisters shopping and help one of my friends who had a new baby, but I didn't have time.
Instead of being together with my friends, I was at home with a pile of laundry and a pile of textbooks. “I don’t have time to do anything good,” the thought came to me as I pulled my laundry out of the washing machine. I was shoving another load into the machine when I suddenly became aware of the discontentment I was feeling. Then I remembered a verse. “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” Colossians 3:23.
“Can I do my laundry as to the Lord?” I asked myself. “Can I do my schoolwork as to the Lord?” I knew the answer was “yes” because whatever you do encompasses both of those activities. Instead of entertaining thoughts of self-pity or complaint while doing laundry, I can pray for someone, think about God’s Word, or even sing an encouraging song. Instead of doing my schoolwork grudgingly, I can do it with diligence and thankfulness that I have the opportunity to get an education.
These are the type of things I can do every day to express my love for God. These things are “hidden” in my thoughts. They won’t bring me appreciation or honour from others, but they will bring God’s blessing over my life!
While doing laundry, God’s Word filled me with joy and freed me from discontentment!
"…And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…" Ephesians 6:17-18.
When I pray to God for help in my situations, He gives me His Word that is an effective weapon to conquer thoughts of discontentment. Armed with God's Word, I can love and serve God wherever I am and in whatever I do, I can do it heartily, for God!
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.