
Righteousness brings blessing. It brings peace and joy. It is a law of God’s kingdom, so learning righteousness is a huge investment opportunity, both for this life and for all eternity. It affects not just us, but the people around us, the society we live in. Righteousness has incredible benefits!

When we strive to be righteous, then we will get firm roots - something that cannot be moved in the... [Portrait 9:16]
Being awake to righteousness = Being serious about keeping all of God’s Word [Square]
It is righteous to treat people with mercy, compassion, kindness, gentleness and goodness. [Portrait 9:16]
Righteousness is meant to increase in our lives [Square]
And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.Revelation 19:8

The righteousness of God, that teaches me to think about the others and to pay the sacrifice that it takes in order to serve them for their best.