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15 quotes about faith by Aksel J. Smith, breaking through all darkness!
This spirit of faith has the power to carry us through everything that comes along.

Aksel J. Smith was highly esteemed as a shepherd in his ministry. His life was characterized by an unshakable faith in God’s love and power, and his writings have been able to lead many people out of darkness into the same unconquerable spirit of faith. These inspirational quotes about faith are taken from various articles by Aksel J. Smith, written over a period of almost 50 years.
Believe in God’s love for us!
“When we come to God, we must believe that He is and that He rewards us with what we are praying for. We must believe that He sees us and that He is full of love, care, and goodness. He is aware of all our difficulties, and He bends and turns everything for our good if only we love Him and believe in Him. He has counted all the hairs on our head, and He sees to it that no temptation or trial is too difficult for us. (1 Corinthians 10:13)”
From “Believe, Without Doubting,” June 1966
“God’s love for us surpasses everything that we can comprehend or understand. We are included in His great love and care to the last little detail. His eyes are always watching us, and we are not forgotten for one second. He will support us and powerfully help us, raising us up with His righteous right hand in every single temptation and difficulty so that we will not fall. If we do fall, we have hardened ourselves against His help that is offered in love. Therefore we do not need to be dismayed and fearful in life’s battles. On the contrary, we can go forth with great boldness in faith and confidence that He who has begun the good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
From “He can do everything!” November 1943
“God has always met those who are wholehearted with His thoughts. This has been the case in the old covenant as well as in the new. He has given them a future and a hope. We have all reason to rejoice in hope and look forward to a bright and glorious future, because God’s thoughts toward us are thoughts only of peace and not of evil.”
From “A Future and a Hope,” January 1985
“The God of hope is our true Father and Comforter. It is His desire to give us not only a little bit, but abundantly. He will fill us with all joy and peace. Through faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit we can open ourselves to this abundant fullness. We will not be put to shame in our hope.”
From “A Future and a Hope,” January 1985
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A bright light in darkness
“We have no use for hope and faith when everything appears to be bright and hopeful, as far as man’s view of things is concerned, for who hopes for what he sees? (Romans 8,24) But when our human reasoning is confronted with a high, thick, impenetrable wall of difficulties and the future looks gloomy and dark, then faith finds a way, and the light shines through.”
From “Contrary to Hope, in Hope,” September 1965
“We shall not just believe once in a while, but rather we must be permeated by the Spirit of faith at all times, in everything we say and do. Everything will be blessed and good in the Spirit of faith. This Spirit drives away the most impenetrable darkness. We ourselves can see in this Spirit, and we can help the others to see.”
From “The Spirit of Faith,” October 1967
“Faith considers the day of adversity to be a day of success, because it becomes a day of salvation. As long as faith has not gained a firm footing in our life, we are thrown back and forth by our deceptive feelings because of unrest and anxiety.”
From “Contrary to Hope, in Hope,” September 1965
“It is foolish to doubt. Wisdom does not doubt; it is without hypocrisy, full of mercy and good fruits. It enlightens the eyes and makes our steps firm.”
From “Believe, Without Doubting,” June 1966
“If we pray for the Holy Spirit, we will receive the Holy Spirit. If we pray for wisdom, we will receive wisdom. We must not doubt His might and goodness. The least little spark of faith ignites the light of hope in our hearts, and darkness is banished. We enter into the realm of light where the Prince of light rules, who looks well after His subjects. He causes it to become brighter and brighter for us until noonday light. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.”
From “Believe, Without Doubting,” June 1966
A victorious spirit!
“Jesus is the author and finisher of faith. He overcame all the desires of the flesh—the very point on which everyone before Him had suffered defeat. He has invited us to follow Him in the same spirit of faith and victory. This is an enthusiastic spirit, full of peace and joy. In this spirit we rely fully and unreservedly on the God of miracles and His Word, and we rejoice in perfect rest.”
From “The Spirit of Faith,” November 1982
“The Spirit of faith is united with God and only believes in victory. We read that there was a different spirit in Joshua and Caleb. That was the Spirit of faith. In this Spirit they were to overcome the strongest enemies like a piece of bread, and they were not put to shame. God saw to it that they entered the land as conquerors and enjoyed the glory that was promised. We can only claim the promises if we believe, for it is impossible to please God without faith.”
From “The Spirit of Faith,” October 1967
Fight the good fight of faith
“Blessed are those who have a Word from the Lord in the most trying circumstances of life, and who hold fast to it and act according to it in living faith.”
From “At Your Word,” July 1966
“Satan does his utmost to pull souls into the swamp of unbelief and despair, and he is quite successful at it. We must constantly fight the good fight of faith if we want to keep boldness and joy in our hearts.”
From “Be Bold!” November 1944
“With faith and patience together we can obtain the greatest and most precious promises … Patience means that we wait. We can patiently wait in all sorts of trials and tribulations. We can patiently suffer to God’s glory, with an inner peace and joy, in faith’s full assurance and with the love of Christ poured out in our hearts. Impatience is followed by all manner of unrest.”
From “Faith and Patience,” May 1991
“It is up to us to lay hold of the shield of faith in order to extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one and take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, by always praying in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication, and with this in mind, be on the alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
From “In the Spirit of Faith and Zeal,” November 1981
These quotes about faith are translated from Norwegian and are taken from a number of articles published in BCC’s periodical “Skjulte Skatter” (“Hidden Treasures”) in the period 1943-1991.
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.