Don’t let discouragement into your heart

SONG: “If Satan tempts you to hang down your head, cry out to God; He’ll give victory instead!” Listen to this encouraging song!

Discouragement can be a big problem when you want to live an upright life. God’s way is a process, and as we walk on it we find more and more sin that needs to be overcome. As the Apostle Paul put it: “I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.” Romans 6:21. But that is no reason to be discouraged! On the contrary, it’s a reason to rejoice, because when we see the evil that is present with us, that’s when we can overcome it! That’s why James says, “… count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” James 1:2.

Thoughts of discouragement are never from God; they come directly from Satan, who would do anything to try to turn us from our heavenly calling. Can you see him for the liar and the thief that he is? Can you believe, in faith going forward knowing that God will give you victory?

Listen to this song which is a strong encouragement to shut out Satan’s voice and to cry out to God instead so that He can help you to live a life of victory over sin!

Lyrics: Don’t let discouragement into your heart

Does your life feel like a meaningless game?
Are you discouraged? Each day looks the same.
Maybe you’ve listened to Satan’s advice:
“It won’t succeed, why pay such a high price?”

Satan tries hard to take captive your mind,
Tie you in knots, with discouragement bind.
You wanted victory, but fell once again.
Pray and go forward, you’ll win in the end!

Don’t let discouragement into your heart.
 Satan resist, then from you he’ll depart!
 Listen to God in the battle you’re in.
 He’ll make you happy and victory you’ll win.

Don’t let what people may think or may say
Stop you from marching ahead on God’s way.
Satan will twist every word that you hear,
Trying to sow thoughts of doubt and of fear.

Many have strayed in their doubt from the way,
Listened to what the accuser would say.
If Satan tempts you to hang down your head,
Cry out to God; He’ll give victory instead!

Don’t let discouragement into your heart.
 Satan resist, then from you he’ll depart!
 Listen to God in the battle you’re in.
 He’ll make you happy and victory you’ll win.

Satan tries hard to cast down and destroy.
 God longs to give you His peace and His joy!
 Listen to God and His life-giving word.
 Then you’ll be filled with the joy of the Lord!

Bright is your future, don’t doubt your great worth.
Perfectly planned are your days here on earth!
Give up, surrender, let Him take control.
He’ll give you courage to press toward the goal.

Don’t let discouragement into your heart.
 Satan resist, then from you he’ll depart!
 Listen to God in the battle you’re in.
 He’ll make you thoroughly happy.

Don’t let discouragement into your heart.
 Satan resist, then from you he’ll depart!
 Listen to God in the battle you’re in.
 He’ll make you happy and victory you’ll win.

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Title: Don't let discouragement into your heart
Lyrics: Gjermund Frivold
Melody: Gjermund Frivold
Vocals: Christina Hong
From the songbook “Ways of the Lord” #394
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag 2017 | ActiveChristianity

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.