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For people who want to make a difference
There is a battle being fought, a battle against sin – the root of all suffering. You can fight in this battle!

The world is full of suffering; sickness, death, hunger, war, abuse. You are just one person among billions. You want to make a difference. Did you know that the Bible says that we can actually help end the suffering in the world?
The power to choose
Let’s go right back to the beginning. God created Adam. God created Eve. And in His all-powerful love, God gave them a free will. He gave humans the power to choose to obey God or to obey their lusts.
The first humans chose to sin – they chose to listen to the serpent and exalt themselves instead of obeying the good commandments from their all-powerful, loving God.
All suffering is a direct result of that sin – even nature came into imbalance because of it. Everything on earth and in the Kingdom of heaven goes according to laws. God is a righteous God, and His laws cannot be changed. For example, “Pride goes before destruction,” as it’s written in Proverbs 16:18. When Adam and Eve chose to exalt themselves, and eat of the forbidden fruit, they dropped the first stone into the water, causing a ripple of sin and destruction through all generations of mankind.
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Something we can do
As long as Satan has power on this earth, sin and destruction will continue. Because of Adam and Eve’s choice, all people have inherited a natural tendency to exalt themselves and to do their own will instead of obeying God.
The state the world is in now was not and is not God’s intention, and He yearns jealously for our spirit. He calls us to Him, and if we respond, He can use us as tools to carry out His perfect work.
When you give your life to God, and get a decided mind to do His will instead of your own will, a battle begins – a battle to end the power of sin and destruction in your life. A battle against your human nature, which always chooses its own will instead of God’s will. When you fight this battle, your life becomes an important part in putting an end to the works of the devil – the one who kills and destroys. By fighting this battle, you can do your part to overcome the root of the suffering in this world!
The result of battle
Your life becomes a blessing. When you are faithful to your covenant with God you can truly say to others, “follow me, as I follow Christ.” This creates a ripple of joy and overcoming instead of sin and destruction. You create peace in your immediate surroundings in the midst of the suffering. Your own faithfulness to God also spreads a blessing to the future generation.
You will be along in wiping tears together with God and Jesus in the millennium. It’s written in Revelations that the Body of Christ – all those who have overcome sin and the power of sin in their own life while on this earth – will be raptured. After the rapture comes the millennium, a time where Satan will be bound, a time where you will use the tools you are learning how to use today, to clean up the mess and destruction that sin has caused on this earth!
You become happy. It is sin that makes us unhappy. Obeying the laws and commandments that God writes in our hearts brings an incredible peace and joy.
You will live and reign together with Jesus in all eternity! “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne.” Revelation 3:21.
The choice is yours
God is still all-powerful. God is still love. And you still have the gift of free choice. Each day, you can choose to go to war against Satan and the power of sin, and your life can become a weapon for God!
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.