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Forward, no relenting!
SONG: A song encouraging us to press on to our heavenly goal.
Sometimes in the midst of our battles it might be challenging to keep our vision up. But winning victory gives us freedom, power and courage! This song is an encouragement for all to hold out in temptation. Don’t give up – the reward is near!
Lyrics: Forward, no relenting!
Forward, no relenting! Sin beneath our feet!
Satan's hosts can't steal our boldness – no retreat!
Boldly we press forward, take one step, yes, two.
No more under bondage! God is good and true!
Walking in Christ's footsteps, vict'ry we receive.
All the law's fulfilled in us when we believe.
Forward, no relenting! We by faith press through.
Thus we conquer strongholds! God is good and true!
We do not look back! We'll always forward go
Till we have completely conquered every foe!
God is pleased when we by faith the goal pursue.
See, He goes before us! God is good and true!
Everywhere our foot treads, we new land possess.
Till the work is finished, we will never rest!
Vict'ry o'er the flesh gives pow'r and courage too.
Canaan's fruits we're tasting! God is good and true!
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Title: Forward, no relenting!
Lyrics: Anna Bæklund
Melody: Johan P. Hartmann
Vocals: Sharon Kloosterman
From the songbook Ways of the Lord #244
© Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag 2017 | ActiveChristianity
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.