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The darkness of doubt – The light of faith
Doubt and faith: Total opposites, with totally opposite results. How do we overcome doubt, and obtain the fruits of faith?

Doubt and unbelief: Where the prince of darkness rules
The slightest doubt about God’s perfect leading in your life allows the darkness of unbelief to drift into your life. You enter into a dangerous area where the prince of darkness rules, and he does not wish his subjects well. It does not take long before the darkness of doubt becomes the darkness of despair, resulting in an evil and terrible cycle in your thought life.
You must regard it very seriously if you notice that the spirit of discouragement wants to come in, because God has not given us this spirit. This spirit will make you utterly incapable of serving God, because the ministry of the new covenant is the ministry of glory.
Wisdom is first of all pure and without doubting. It is pure from the darkness of unbelief and doubt, which is utter foolishness. An evil spirit entered Saul when he let doubt into his heart concerning God’s perfect guidance in his and in David’s life. He undertook to commit the greatest foolishness in this satanic darkness and as a result his greatness, his worthiness, and his joy left him forever.
Doubting God’s perfect guidance in their own lives, and in others’ lives, has led many to become bitterly envious and has resulted in murder and all kinds of misery. It leads to grudging, anxiety, and all kinds of strife and unrest. There is no peace, no rest, where doubt is rampant.
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Faith: God’s sunshine
The slightest spark of faith opens the heart to God’s sunshine, for darkness has to make way quickly for the light. Faith in God’s perfect guidance leads us into a blessed rest, peace, and joy. It becomes easy to leave everything up to Him who judges righteously, and we are spared much suffering and much evil. If Saul had understood to leave everything up to Him who judges righteously, he could have rejoiced from his heart with those who were rejoicing. He would have kept his royal state, together with a glorious, fruitful fellowship with David who was raised on high and who was Israel’s sweet psalmist. Saul could have praised the Lord and rejoiced together with David in prophetic enthusiasm, and he could have had much glory out of his life. But the prince of darkness, who has come to murder, to steal, and to destroy, managed to ruin everything for him.
Nothing that is in darkness can overcome the light, and the weapons of light. How great it is to be eternally freed eternally from the terrible powers of darkness and the evil circle of the thought life. Now our thoughts can dwell freely on everything that is good, and revolve in blessed paths of light where everything becomes brighter and brighter until the full day. Abraham believed God, and because he believed, the blessings that came over him were as many as the stars in the sky and the sand of the sea. It is impossible to please God without faith, but through faith and obedience we please Him so highly that the blessings are without end; they surpass everything you can imagine with your natural understanding.
Jesus is coming soon to show Himself glorious and marvelous in all those who have believed, and have obeyed His gospel. (2 Thessalonians 1:8-10.) He will share all His incorruptible inheritance with them.
“As for God, His way is perfect ...” Psalm 18:30. Let us believe that!
“All things work together for good to those who love God ...” Romans 8:28. Let us believe that!
“God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able ...” 1 Corinthians 10:13. Let us really believe that and rejoice over it!
This article has been translated from Norwegian and was first published with the title “Tvilens mørke – Troens lys” in the periodical Skjulte Skatter (Hidden Treasures) in December 1977.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.