What is a good day for you as a disciple?

VIDEO: This is an entirely unusual perspective to take!

Watch Sarah’s testimony and be inspired to see the days as she sees them! For her, a good day is when, at the end of the day, she can look back and know that she has lived the life of a disciple; she has followed Jesus. To be able to say that today she consciously wanted to please Jesus in what she did.

And further to that, that it’s also good to look back at the end of the day and allow Jesus to show me what I could have done better. What I said and did for the wrong reasons, for example, however unintentionally it may have been done at the time. If I can acknowledge these things when I’m shown them, and then humble myself and judge them. Then I can do things better the next time. That’s the training that I am in as a disciple. There should be a constant change happening in my life.

When I can see past the situations, past the things that are happening to me, to see what Jesus wants to teach me through them, then even what I would have used to call a “bad day” can become a good day, because of what I can learn from it. This is an entirely unusual perspective to take!

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