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What the “secret of life” means to me
What is life? This is a question I have heard many people ask, and something I’ve often asked myself.

Life can seem a bit of a mystery. Things happen to us and those close to us that we do not understand, or comprehend why. There are things we want and ask God for, but for some reason things just don’t seem to go our way. And yet … isn’t the whole purpose for us in our daily situations and circumstances to find the “secret” of life?
Life doesn’t go as planned
As a young person growing up I can have all sorts of ambitions and goals for my life: “When I’m older I’m going to study, get a job, earn this much money, get married, have a house, car, family and life will be good.”
But life doesn’t go the way I had planned and I panic and doubt that God even cares or exists. Illness comes, studying doesn’t go quite as planned, I don’t get that job I wanted, I don’t earn enough money, I can’t afford that perfect house or car. And on top of that I’m not even married, when everyone else around me is.
How do I react? Do I find myself saying, “Life is just not fair …?”
But the more I question and fight against God, the more difficult and miserable my life will be. So, what does God want from me?
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I have a choice
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6.
God created the earth and gave me a free will, a choice, and it’s up to me what I choose. He is taking me through something to make me stronger and better as a person. He has something great in store for me (2 Peter 1:3-4) and wants me to live my life as a disciple. He uses so-called “difficult” people and situations to show me the wretchedness deep within me. It isn’t these people or the situations that are the problem, but the reaction that comes up from my nature – and that is something I can choose to deal with! I can choose to do God’s will rather than my own.
Acknowledging this leads me to a surprising truth: This was God’s intention all along…
The secret of life
God’s intention for me is that I can find true happiness, and that comes by giving up my own will and plans using each opportunity that God has prepared for me. I can choose to either listen to my own thoughts of reasoning, self-pity and pride or choose to use what comes my way to get the most out of it.
Life can become exciting and new when I see that God is in control and has the perfect plan for me. I can wake up each morning and rejoice that I have another day. More time to find this secret of life; the secret to being happy by making others happy. Not living for myself. Being thankful even if I feel exhausted or in pain.
I don’t think anyone really has the answer to “What is the secret of life?” but I can use my time on earth to find that secret. These blinkers that blinded me can be removed when I take my “self” out of the picture and start to think about the hidden work that God wants to do within me.
So, wherever I am in life, whatever my circumstances, I will make it my aim to seek and find that inner secret to a happy life – just as Jesus did each day, giving up His own will, lusts and desires and living only before the face of God. Jesus is my example and forerunner and was tempted in all points as me, so there is no excuse for me. In this way, I am transformed to be more like Him, and that makes life so worth living!
It is a secret, as nobody else knows what I’m thinking, how I’m feeling, what I’m going through or how my day, week, month or past years have gone.
Being content
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." Philippians 4:11.
No matter what I’ve gone through or what I am to go through, I’m learning to accept my lot and trust that it is the very best for me. Maybe I’ll never get the things I expect or think I should have but I can learn to accept the life that God has planned perfectly for me – a life that leads to divine nature if I learn to take my situations in the right way! (2 Peter 1:4) What could be better than having the fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace and patience – in other words, divine nature – flourishing in my life so that I’m always at rest and always thankful?
That is not just the secret to life, but the secret to a happy life. When I let go of what “I want” and believe that all that comes my way is for the very best, this leads to a happy life both here on earth and for all eternity.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.