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Who are the sons and daughters of God?
These are men and women who have entered into a covenant with God, and all of creation is eagerly awaiting the day when they will be revealed!

Have you ever read a novel or watched a movie where an ordinary young man or young woman finds out that they are actually nobility? Or that they have a special purpose and mission? Did you know that such men and women exist today? They are the children of God, His sons and daughters.
The whole creation is suffering because of sin. Families longing for peace in their countries and homes. Generations stuck in cycles of poverty, crime, and addictions. Children suffering. People burdened down by sin and powerless against destructive habits, longing to be free. God’s creatures struggling to survive. The earth itself is straining and under pressure. Now the creation is eagerly waiting for the children of God to be revealed. (Romans 8:19-22.)
Who are the children of God?
Who are these sons and daughters of God? They are men and women who have entered a covenant with God and are committed to doing His will. They have given up living selfishly for their own pleasure and pursuits. They have decided to follow Jesus in a life of sacrifice and salvation. God’s Spirit dwells in them, giving them power to resist evil and pursue good. They are obedient to God’s voice and follow His commandments. They, like Moses as a young man, choose to suffer rather than enjoy the passing pleasure of sin. Moses turned his back on honor, riches, and an “easy” leisurely life. He chose to serve God and His people. (Hebrews 11:24-26.) True children of God do the same and are separate. They cannot do and watch everything that is mainstream or keep company with just anyone, because they want to keep their hearts pure from the corruption of this world and do not want to displease God, their loving Father. The suffering of denying their self-will is only momentary and leads to peace and the joy of victory. Their sacrifices will reap an eternal reward.
They live a normal life. No social broadcasts of good deeds and strong opinions or thousands of fans and followers. But, in their everyday situations, a valuable, hidden work is taking place. They are being formed like Jesus their Master into the image of God, pure and holy. They don’t just do whatever their feelings or impulses dictate. They are thoughtful and consider what is pleasing to God. They choose to go against sinful tendencies and do what is right. When their feelings go up and down and they are tempted to doubt, they hold firm to God’s Word and His promises, increasing in faith and hope. They trust in God with all their heart and seek God’s kingdom first.
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The apple of God’s eye
God watches over them carefully, the apple of His eye. He is for them, ready and able to help when they ask, supplying both their spiritual and earthly needs. They are becoming more and more free from sins that bind and weigh down: fear of people, envy, worry, discontent. Everything works together for their good as opportunities to increase in God’s virtues. Children of God are devoted to their calling, active in good works, steadfast in faith and immovable from God’s laws. They have purpose and direction in life. A heavenly vision and daily mission.
Each day, they are being trained for their heavenly calling to reign with God. They practice being kind, humble, obedient, generous, bold, pure, and patient. They love justice and stand up for what is right. They are learning to say no to sinful thoughts, tame their tongue, and bring their body into subjection.
Sons and daughters of God don’t always do things right the first time. God’s Spirit teaches and corrects them. They judge themselves when they say, do, or think something that wasn’t perfect according to God’s Word and accept God’s chastening. They are courageous in the face of challenging situations because God is on their side. They are determined. They don’t give up even though they are tempted to. When they fall in sin, they repent and get back up again, but the day comes that they never fall again. In humility, they ask, seek, and knock until God answers with the power and help they so desperately need to be faithful in each temptation. They know they are weak, according to their human nature, so they prepare for the situations to come. They spend time reading God’s Word, praying, and listening to encouraging messages. They believe in Jesus and the grace that He made available. When temptations come, big or small, they overcome where others fail because God’s Word, mixed with faith, abides in them.
The greatest, most rewarding calling
God’s children have entered into the greatest, most rewarding calling. "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9. They honor and praise God in their hearts because it is He who is accomplishing this amazing work in them. They are living examples of God’s goodness, His power and grace. They have entered into a fellowship with forerunners and likeminded people around the world. They put aside differences, demands, and competition to be united in bonds that won’t be broken, friendships that even death will not end.
At the appointed time, each son and daughter of God will be received into their rightful and heavenly home where they will reign with God in love and righteousness. They will be along in healing the nations, comforting the brokenhearted, strengthening the weak, drying tears, and teaching others to be pure and good. They will use what they have gained each day here on earth to lead humankind into a new and glorious era.
Do you want to be a son or daughter of God? There is still time. You can join this victorious, invaluable, progressive, extraordinary group. “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.