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An encouragement for anyone fighting to come to victory over sin!
To you who are in the midst of life’s battles and still have not gained full victory: It shall succeed!

To you who are in the midst of life’s battles and still have not gained full victory: It shall succeed! You have possibly had many experiences where things went wrong; you fell in sin again and it seems as if there is no progress. You have tried everything, but nothing works. After hearing the word of God spoken with power and Spirit, you received some hope again, but it vanished when those feelings left you in everyday life. Things have been going up and down for a long, long time, so you think that it will certainly continue like that in the future. All your old experiences indicate that it will never succeed for you to be finished with sin!
Faith is the key
It says in a song: “Let Him in! Faith throws old experiences out; be finished with unbelief and doubt.”
In the songbook Ways of the Lord #412, verse 3, it says: “Living faith speaks only of the present time, and to God’s good pleasure leaves the past behind.”
Faith goes right against human understanding. Faith is not “logical” to our human intellect; that is why it is faith. Faith means laying hold of and holding on persistently and tenaciously, deaf and blind to all thoughts of unbelief. Faith is a high wall between old experiences and today.
You have probably tried before to lay hold of faith, and perhaps you have lost it again. But lay hold of faith again and again! You have to lay hold of faith anew every day; forget what is behind, and fight to gain the victory. Lay hold of faith! Hold on! Lay hold of faith! Hold on! Day after day, blind to worries about tomorrow! If you hold on to this, the day will soon come when you look back and discover that you are living an overcoming life and that is has become easier and more natural to be victorious each day.
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No reason to give up
But what if you later on have a bad day and fall again? Is everything lost now? Has everything been in vain? Have you now gone back to living in sin? Do you now have reason to be discouraged and to give up? No! Believe in the forgiveness of sins! Don’t stay down for a single second, but jump up again, lay hold of faith again, and hold on to it! God did not give us the spirit of discouragement, so you never have to be in that spirit! Use your fall as a reason for hating sin even more – to become even better armed for next time! It is quite natural to fall for someone who is learning to walk.
It is of the utmost importance never to give up! It shall succeed!
This article has been translated from Norwegian and was first published with the title “It shall succeed!” in the periodical Skjulte Skatter (Hidden Treasures) in June/July 2021.
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag | ActiveChristianity
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.