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How can I become a true Christian?
There is a huge difference between people who call themselves Christians. How many can we say are truly glorifying God with the lives they live?

What do you have to do to become a Christian?
What do you have to do to become a Christian? It is not as complicated as you might think.
There is a huge difference between people who call themselves Christians. Let’s think a bit of all the multitudes of Christians; how many can we say are truly glorifying God with the lives they live?
It is not difficult to become a Christian and neither should it be difficult. But, can we say that all “Christians” will inherit the kingdom of heaven? What is actually required from those who want to be a Christian? Firstly, you should want to be a true Christian and then decide to be one. Many people grew up as “Christians,” never truly giving up their old life; always having a bad conscience deep inside them. Others’ Christianity is merely a show before people. But how about you? Don’t you desire to have a close relationship with God?
The invitation from God is open to everyone, but the decision is yours. Don’t delay the decision. You may not have the same chance again.
Reflect on your life
You need to come to yourself. “But when he came to himself, he said … ‘I will arise and go to my father.’” Luke 15:17-18. When you live the usual, so called Christian life as a sinner, you are misleading yourself. Think about it, you don’t really want to live like this! You don’t want to pretend outwardly to be a Christian, but inside you know that sin is driving you. Maybe you are bound by the lust of money, or have impure thoughts of the opposite sex? Maybe you know that you are lazy, or your Christianity is just to get honor from people?
You have become used to living a life that you actually disagree with deep in your heart. Reflect on your life. Just like the prodigal son, you will say, “Why should I live this way?” Why be unhappy, feeling judged in your conscience, being far from God? He would be very glad to receive you. You can live honestly before God, with the Holy Spirit as your guide.
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Acknowledge your sin. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Both Jesus and Paul tell us to stop committing sin. (John 8:11, 1 Cor. 15:34). “Whoever abides in Him does not sin.” 1 John 3:6. Many Christians don’t bother to stop sinning. Their Christianity is just a way of easing their conscience. Some are so calloused that they use their religiosity as a means to gain material goods. They devise all sorts of schemes to ask for money, whilst pretending to be devout Christians, but in truth they are quite satisfied with their sinful lives and that they get away with their clever plans.
If you acknowledge that as a Christian you are still continuing to sin and have not come to a life of victory over sin, and you grieve about it, then there is hope for you. If you truly long for victory, then you are ready to completely surrender your life to God. If you are tired of sin, then you can come to Jesus, who is able to help you (Matthew 11:28).
Total honesty
You need to be totally honest with yourself and God. Maybe you are clever and gifted and able to make people believe that you are such a good Christian. But you can’t fool God. It is sin that causes separation between us and God. God is mighty to help you, if you are willing to stop sinning and give your whole life over to Him. Jesus has come to the world in order to save us from our sin.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.