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Godly fear is not old-fashioned
True Godly fear is and always will be relevant and “modern.”

God is our Creator and Leader. His will, as it was revealed through Jesus Christ, is never outdated or old-fashioned. God’s eternal promises are just as relevant today as they have always been.
“For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh (our human will) reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit (God’s will) reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:8. Whoever departs from the way of Godly fear will soon wander around in the darkness of his own mind. Then you can believe that what you thought, said, or did was justified, while actually resisting God and His will.
There is arrogance in this thinking that can be disastrous. You place yourself and your thoughts above God’s thoughts. The reasons for this are often cowardice and fear of what people will think. You give in to contemporary attitudes. Humanism replaces God’s laws. Arrogance replaces humility and you make yourself lord and judge of the Scriptures. The justification is almost always, “You mustn’t judge!” But you do not realize that in the same breath you often judge and criticize those who want to obey God’s word.
In Romans 1-3, we read how wretched we are according to our fallen nature – the true human nature. This tragic result came about because people began to worship the creation rather than the Creator. (Romans 1:25) Paul concludes this by saying: “And the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Romans 3:17-18.
Legalism, rigid Christianity, and a stagnant, self-satisfied life come from a lack of Godly fear. This is a spiritual back eddy where you regard your fellow men with a critical eye.
True Godly fear is and always will be relevant and “modern.” It holds eternal promises. This is the beginning of wisdom, it is written, and it is wisdom to love and worship God and His will. Godly fear makes us spiritually agile and resilient people who can resist the current just like the salmon swimming up the rapids in the river. Godly fear makes us vibrant people who stand on the foundation of truth as it is expressed in God’s word. Godly fear makes us into compassionate and self-sacrificing people who work to benefit and please our neighbor.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.