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The Spirit of the prophetic word
We do not have power over Satan through knowledge or theories, but only with the testimony of Jesus rooted in our hearts.

“We also have the prophetic word made more sure, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:19-21.
The prophetic word penetrates darkness
The prophetic word is always like a light that shines in a dark place until the light breaks forth. The holy prophets of God let the prophetic light shine as far as Bethlehem where Jesus was born. He broke forth as the shining light in the midst of the darkness of this world.
However, the prophetic word penetrated even further as a shining light into the selfish darkness of the disciples, until the day dawned and the Morning Star arose in their hearts. With this inner, divine light they could now see and judge clearly, and all doubt and unbelief was cast out forever. As firm as a rock in their faith, they preached the gospel with great power and joyful boldness until the day of their death. They were not shaken by human opinions, and the fierce opposition they met wherever they went did not shake their faith. What they had received in their hearts was divinely certain, and no one could take it away from them.
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The testimony of Jesus – the Spirit of the word of prophecy
The three apostles had seen Jesus transfigured together with Moses and Elijah. (Matthew 17:1-9.) They had also been eyewitnesses of His greatness in many other ways, but to them the prophetic word was even more sure. These were Jesus’ words to which they had paid heed and which they had lived, so that they had become the possessors of the powerful Spirit that was in these words. This Spirit is the Spirit of the word of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus. (Revelation 19:10.)
This is the testimony we need to have in our hearts in these evil times as the whole might of the devil is rising up in earnest. Most people are uncertain and wavering, and they change their minds from year to year. This is because they form their own opinions about God’s word on the basis of their own dark selfishness instead of allowing God’s word to tell them the truth about themselves. We do not have power over Satan by means of knowledge and theories, but only if we have the testimony of Jesus rooted in our hearts.
The prophets’ example in firmness and steadfastness
Today we find little of this firmness and steadfastness in the Spirit that the holy prophets of God and the apostles possessed. Isaiah stood alone in the midst of an evil and corrupt generation and proclaimed the wrath of God’s judgment over all ungodliness until there was only a small, holy remnant left, just as there is only a stump left of an oak tree after it has been felled. (Isaiah 6:9-13; Isaiah 10:20-23.)
Jeremiah stood there like a firm fortress, a pillar of iron, and a wall of bronze against the entire land. (Jeremiah 1:18.)
Ezekiel’s face was like adamant stone [a diamond] against all ungodliness. (Ezekiel 3:9.)
The prophets were stoned and killed, but they were steadfast until the end. They possessed the Spirit of Christ, who testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. (Hebrews 11:32-40; 1 Peter 1:10-11.)
Spiritual power
Now we are living in evil and difficult times. Now the question is whether we are weak or firm in our faith, and whether we are fulfilling our calling in life. We live only for a short time, and it is vital that the truth makes great strides through us. The seed is God’s word, and every person is a field. Now we have time and opportunity to sow all around us. The night is coming when no man can work. That time has already come in certain countries. (Mark 4:1-20; John 9:4.)
We must live in such a way that we can have the spiritual power within us that is mighty to crush all egotism and the spirit of the world under our feet. We do not belong to ourselves but to Him who redeemed us from the world with His precious blood. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20.)
Each one must pay close attention to God’s word and live according to it, so that the day can dawn and the Morning Star arise in his heart.
This article has been translated from Norwegian and was first published in the periodical Skjulte Skatter (Hidden Treasures) in November 1939.
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