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Waiting eagerly for Jesus
I should be living in anticipation of the day that Jesus comes to take me home.

The other morning, I spoke to my friend clear across the globe and she wanted to tell me about a dream she had had. She had dreamt that “Jesus is coming soon.”
Interestingly enough, the previous night, as I was falling asleep, I was thinking about what has been working in my heart the last while … and all of a sudden the words came to me “The spirit of expectation.”
As I was dozing off, I thought to myself: How do I live with the spirit of expectation? What does this mean to me?
What is the spirit of expectation?
My whole life I have heard about Jesus calling His bride home to heaven – the “rapture,” as it is known to most Christians. It used to be that it would strike a fear in my heart; I was afraid I would be left behind. Talking to my friend, she’d had it the same way. She was scared that she would not be ready when He came.
As my friend and I talked it over, I remembered an example I had heard before; an analogy of what it is like for us who are waiting for Jesus to come. Imagine someone you loved dearly had been away on a long trip, and they were soon to return to you. They were traveling by ship, so you didn’t know the exact date they would arrive. You would constantly be at the harbor, waiting eagerly by the dock and watching expectantly for the ship to appear. You would be excitedly anticipating seeing your loved one again!
In my everyday life, if I am “expecting” someone whom I have loved to return, then I will be awake and watchful and looking forward to it. It will occupy my thoughts – life won’t just pass by without me thinking and talking about it.
That is how it must be for me in regard to Jesus’ return. I should be expectantly, excitedly waiting – living in anticipation of that day. That is far different than being fearful and dreading it.
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There’s nothing to fear
I shared a verse with my friend that has helped me many times: “God has not given us the spirit of fear …” 2 Timothy 1:7. The main thing is that I am faithful today to do what God shows me. If I do this day after day, year after year, then I will be ready, when He returns to collect those who loved His appearing. Then I have absolutely nothing to fear! (2 Timothy 4:8)
I thought about the story of Mary and Martha. (Luke 10:38-42) Martha was worried and troubled about many things, and to the contrary, Mary was occupied with one thing that was needful: the part that would not be taken away from her. I can be so busy and occupied with everything going on around me, and easily get bogged down. I forget to live in this spirit of expectation. I can be so busy with “this and that needs to be done,” “that is what this person said,” and “I hope we have enough money …,” all these earthly matters. My eyes are not turned “inward”, and I am not awake to the one thing that is needful: to live to be fully pleasing to my heavenly Bridegroom. Each day, I need to be conscious that He is following along with my thoughts, words and actions. I need to be finding those things which do not line up with God’s word, and be obedient to overcome them – to make myself ready.
I want to live in this spirit of expectation. Then when Jesus comes, I will be ready. I will be one of those who have faith on the earth!
“When the Son of many comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.