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Be a blessing
Jesus says that we must be the servant of all.

Deborah Falcao has a longing to use her life to serve God. In this way she can be a blessing to those that she comes into contact with in her life. To do what she can to make life good for them, so that God can be honoured by her life.
In Luke 6:38 it says, “Give and it shall be given to you.” Together with this verse, Deborah had a quote from Elias Aslaksen, one of the brothers of BCC, put up on her wall for a long time. It said, “Give your life, you will find your life; give little, you will receive little; give much and you will receive much; give everything and you will receive everything.”
“Jesus says that we must be the servant of all,” Deborah says. (Mark 9:35) “If I want to be like Jesus, I need to follow His footsteps, and be a servant. It’s the longing of my heart, to be a blessing wherever I am; to give my life to help the others.”
The verses from this song have especially inspired her:
Jesus, guide my every step here daily,
And to serve, give opportunity.
We can all do good and bless the others;
Even a cup of water Thou dost see.
Let’s extend a helping hand to others
Who are burdened down with need and woe.
In the Spirit to abide is needful
If in the Master’s footsteps we would go.
(Song 162 from the songbook “Ways of the Lord “)
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How can I bless?
Deborah came to the conclusion that if she wanted to bless the others, and make it good for the people in her life, she first needed to have a relationship with Jesus. To follow in His footsteps in her life.
“Then I can get content and something to bless the others with,” she says. “I need to be finished with my own will and seek to do God’s will instead. I know that isn’t something I can do by myself, but God will strengthen me and give me the help I need. When I spend my time building a connection with God, then His Spirit can show me the ways that I can bless the others.
“It doesn’t have to be that I have a lot of wise words to give people, but I can be an encouragement with my actions; with what I do. That’s often what people need most. Maybe I see someone sitting alone, a little bit discouraged. I can give a hug or a smile, or say just a few encouraging words; just be obedient to do what God puts on my heart to do. I can’t just walk away when I see someone downcast or discouraged. I know myself what it is like to go through hard times. If I have a life with God, then He can lead me. He can show me the best way to be of help.
“Sometimes a person will come to my mind, and I sense that I need to pray for that person. God puts people on my heart for a reason, and I can ‘stand in the gap’ for them. (Ezekiel 22:30) I can be a blessing in that way too, even though they may never know that I am praying for them. If I see a need, then I need to be faithful to be a ‘servant of all.’”
Here to do God’s will
Deborah’s desire is to be useful in God’s hand. She believes that God directs and uses those who are obedient to Him. Obedience to God’s promptings leads to fruits of the Spirit; love, goodness, gentleness, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23) People need someone to be good to them, to show them love, to show them patience.
“If you have something, you can give something,” says Deborah. “It’s not possible to give something to the others if you have nothing.
“I am so happy for the gospel, and that the Bible becomes so living when I read it. God’s Spirit points out what I need to deal with in myself – pride, complaining, etc. And when I have dealt with that and fully surrender my will to God, that’s when I sense a freedom. I am free to serve. To say, ‘Here I am Lord to do Your will,’ and be ready to do whatever He puts on my heart.”
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.