He Himself who chose us out in Jesus

SONG: Have you experienced the peace that comes from giving your life entirely into Jesus’ keeping?

There are times in life that we are tried. Circumstances come up that we didn’t expect or want, and our natural tendency can be to worry and stress and wonder what is going to happen. But for those of us who have Jesus, we have a peace and a rest that only confidence that He is guiding all things for our very best can bring, no matter what the circumstances are. He who guides the course of earth and heaven, and who holds the oceans in His hand will be with us all of our days, and if we give our whole lives into His keeping, He will teach us the way to go through everything that we experience in our lives. He loves us, His heart is burning for us, and He wants nothing but the best for us. The lyrics of this song express this perfectly.

Lyrics: He Himself who chose us out in Jesus

He Himself who chose us out in Jesus,
Even long before the world was there,
In the fullness of the time He called us
With a father’s tender, loving care.
Day and night His heart for us is burning,
With a deep desire to make us whole.
If you place your life into His keeping,
He will save you: spirit, body soul.

“Prove Me now,” we hear Him gently calling;
Blest are they who take Him at His Word.
Though all others leave you or neglect you,
Yet by Him each sigh will still be heard.
In the heart that feels its need and sorrow,
He creates with Words so wonderful.
If you place your life into His keeping,
He will open heaven o’er your soul.

‘Tis no wonder that the soul rests calmly;
Sweet is rest beyond both death and grave.
All my days are resting in His keeping;
From all worry, by His grace, I’m saved.
When you put your confidence in Jesus,
Like a river, deep and wide, your peace.
If you place your life into His keeping,
You’ll be filled with joy that ne’er will cease.

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Title: He Himself who chose us out in Jesus
Lyrics: Laurentze Mørch
Melody: Folk melody by Wilhelm T. Söderberg
Vocals: Lynette Heneveld
From the songbook
Ways of the Lord #295
©Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag  2019 | ActiveChristianity.org

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.