“Living Faith” – A song full of future and hope

SONG: Listen to and read about a song that is guaranteed to strengthen your faith!

Songs can come about in many different ways, and the song “Living faith” also has its own history. Maybe that explains why it lives on today and has such an uplifting spirit?

Check out this “Living the Gospel” podcast episode where we interview Sverre, the author of this song!

Living faith makes the battle of today our one concern

The year is 1975, and a young man named Sverre Riksfjord is with a small group travelling together with the evangelist Aksel J. Smith around Europe. They visit several churches to edify them with God’s Word. What makes this trip so special is that wherever they go, Smith speaks about the same thing.

He preaches about faith, based on Psalm 118:24-26:
“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I pray, O Lord; O Lord, I pray, send now prosperity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We have blessed you from the house of the Lord.”

Aksel J. Smith is zealous as he emphasizes time after time to make the battle of today our one concern. He speaks about waking up each day with this in mind; “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Faith focuses on today, and leaves behind everything that has been. The spirit of faith speaks only about a future and a hope.

Riksfjord understands that it is God who is working in Smith to speak about this, and he takes everything he hears to heart.

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A song of faith is created in the basement

The song “Living faith” came into existence right after they returned from this trip. Sverre Riksfjord went down to a room in the basement, and wrote this song. It was actually just a matter of putting down on paper the sentences he had heard from Aksel J. Smith on the recent trip.

“I don’t remember having to really work with this song,” Riksfjord explains afterwards. “The song came right down, right from heaven, and that’s why it could be a blessing. It wasn’t anything that I created. It was born then and there.”

A viable song

The chorus of the song is based on the verse in 1 John 5:4, “And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”

In the song it's written about Joshua and Caleb, how they regarded the giants of the land as their bread and went to battle in faith that God would help them. It was with this same faith that the people of Israel stepped out into the Red Sea, and the sea itself had to retreat before this spirit of faith. Think about what this living faith can do in our life!

That is why the song “Living faith” is just as relevant today as it has been from the very first moment. It continues to strengthen Jesus’ disciples in faith for a victorious life – completely free from sin and everything that binds us. “Living faith” has been sung innumerable times, and is just as faith-strengthening each and every time.

The song has been translated to many languages. Here is a recording of the English version – click on the video link at the top of the article.

Lyrics: Living faith

Faith in Jesus fills us with the Spirit’s might—
Living waters from us flow with life and light—
Breaks with human reas’ning, all around us cleansing,
Crushing every hindrance that would bind us here.

Living faith, living faith breaks the bands of unbelief.
Living faith, living faith makes us bold and strong.
Living faith gives power o’er the world to conquer,
Carries us through everything that comes along.

Joshua’s, Caleb’s spirit live sin us today;
All the giants in the land we’ll quickly slay.
Hear the trumpets calling; mighty walls are falling!
Jordan and the seas roll back for living faith!

Living faith speaks only of the present time,
And to God’s good pleasure leaves the past behind.
Faith has for tomorrow, joy and hope, no sorrow—
Makes the battle of today our one concern.

Living faith professes far and wide its hope;
As it’s written, “I believed, and therefore spoke.”
We believe, so speak we, show forth Jesus boldly.
We will honor God with all our deeds on earth.

Title: Living faith
Lyrics: Sverre L. Riksfjord
Melody: Leila Naylor Morris
Vocals: Eric Dokken, Frank Myrland
From the songbook
Ways of the Lord #412
© Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag 2015 | ActiveChristianity

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.