Of Jesus’ laws I with joy will sing

SONG: This song compares Jesus’ laws for us to “a string of jewels of countless worth,” and says, “like precious diamonds are all His commands.”

This Christian song compares Jesus’ laws for us to “a string of jewels of countless worth,” and says “like precious diamonds are all His commands.” Is this how you feel about keeping His commandments? Do you see that His laws are there to give you life, wisdom, peace, and joy? They’re not heavy or burdensome, but they are the key to the kingdom of heaven. No wonder we can sing about them with joy!

“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21.

Lyrics: Of Jesus’ laws I with joy will sing

Of Jesus’ laws I with joy will sing;
They’re precious gifts unto us from our King.
They bring us wisdom and peace of heart;
And glory eternal these laws impart.

With joyful heart I will thank the Lord
For every law in His life-giving Word.
Upon this rock I my house will build;
In life’s tribulations it will not yield.

To Jesus’ laws I stretch forth my hands;
Like precious diamonds are all His commands –
A string of jewels of countless worth,
Descending from heaven to us on earth.
(Psalm 119:48.)

A “Jacob’s ladder” to heaven goes;
The rungs are laws God upon us bestows.
O let us all up this ladder run,
For there at the top is God’s own dear Son.
(1 Timothy 6:11-14.)

To cry out “Bondage!” to Jesus’ laws
Is mocking God and opposing His cause.
‘Tis through these laws Jesus gives us life,
Thus bringing an end to all splits and strife.
(1 Timothy 1:3-6; Matthew 28:28; Hebrews 5:9.)

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Title: Of Jesus’ laws I with joy will sing
Lyrics: Aksel J. Smith
Melody: Rudolf Schwaiger
Vocals: Lynnette Heneveld
From the songbook
Ways of the Lord #321
© Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag 2018 | ActiveChristianity

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.