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Standing in the gap
How courageous am I in battle?

We often hear about courageous people who risk everything to fight for their rights and freedoms. Yet, where do I stand when it comes to the spiritual battle against evil and hypocrisy?
TV images of idealistic freedom fighters and demonstrators have been seen around the world and inspired thousands. The freedom, and freedom of speech is important. Many courageous people take extraordinary risks today, fighting for and defending their rights against what they see as abuse of power by governments and government leaders.
A wall against sin and the power of Satan
At the same time, another battle is taking place that is not so well-known, but far more important. This battle is waged in each person’s life. We can read about it in Ezekiel 22:30, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”
At that time, God found no one who would stand in the gap to defend the country. He sought men and women with hearts that burned for God and for the people around them – people who had a burning longing to defend, help, and strengthen the weak and oppressed – but primarily people who in their own lives and thoughts had made a strong wall as a defense against sin and Satan’s power. A wall against all the evil that wanted to take power in their lives. A wall against jealousy, lies, and backbiting. A wall against suspicion, falsehood, and impurity.
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Will I follow Jesus?
There are many thoughts and spirits that attempt to gain power in a person’s life. Am I willing to build a wall against them in my own life, and then stand in the gap and fight against the thoughts that arise in me? Am I in that battle? It is written about Jesus that He offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death. (Hebrews 5:7) He fought against unrighteousness in His own flesh, won a complete victory, and by this He opened the same possibility for you and me! Will I follow Him here? Will I stand in the gap and fight against evil spirit powers that try to control me and those around me?
Think about jealousy, backbiting, suspicion, and lies; how destructive those thoughts and powers are to people! I can make a difference, by building a wall in my own life and by battling, in the power of God, against the thoughts that want to come up and take control of my mind! By building a strong wall of godliness, thankfulness, and faithfulness, I can be someone who protects other people around me as well! People who do this have inestimable value. By our lives, we can truly be a defender of people and country, far beyond what we comprehend.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.