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The leading of the Spirit
The best works and the best intentions will be wasted efforts if they have not been prompted by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit’s help comes at precisely the right moment
God does not work anything before the moment has come that it is absolutely necessary that He reveals His will. Everything you do before God has moved is not from Him, even though your intentions may seem to be good. The Spirit of the Lord does nothing before the time. He reveals Himself when it is necessary; not before and not after. You will seek in vain until it becomes necessary to find Him. His faithfulness is infinitely great; He makes Himself known to us at just the right moment, but never before.
In the old covenant, God revealed Himself in various ways by shining light on different matters and situations. In the new covenant in Christ Jesus, God leads us by faith. The former received their light from a distance and were able to think beforehand about how they should act. The latter always depend on the divine moment for their leading, which requires absolute confidence and total surrender. This childlike confidence never asks “Why?” It waits patiently, no matter how long it takes, because it knows that God’s care will provide help at precisely the right moment.
Trust and obedience lead to revelation and transformation
The greater your trust, the greater will be your abandonment to God’s leading, and the more faithfully you will follow Him. In this way, you will receive revelation from God and will experience what Paul speaks about in Ephesians 1:17: “… hat the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
An unfaithful person quenches the Spirit’s voice and will before long be unable to recognize His promptings. No one is as sensitive as the Spirit of God, and no one withdraws as quickly as He does.
God’s Spirit works in two ways: either by drawing and gently coaxing, or by convicting and chastening. When we pay attention to the Spirit’s voice, He will reveal His hidden treasures to us. He will lead us into His treasure chamber and share the knowledge of God with us. Those who abandon themselves to His care will be transformed into the image of Christ and partake of divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).
God’s Spirit guides us in the truth. His work is to lead us from deep darkness into light and glory. He does not speak of Himself; He only speaks what He hears. The best works and the best intentions will be wasted efforts if they have not been prompted by the Holy Spirit. Give careful heed to this voice, be obedient to it, and you will also keep “My works,” as it says in Revelation 2:26.
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The Spirit leads us on a new and living way
A life that is lived according to the leading of the Spirit is a hidden life in God, because no one except you and God will understand it. When this experienced Leader gives revelation, all outward glory pales, the soul becomes introspective and the ear is opened. If you then compare the external with the internal, you will get some understanding of the difference between what is human and what is divine.
God’s leading does not always lead us to good feelings. Its goal is the glory behind the flesh and its ways lead through the flesh to the goal. A new and living way has been made for us through the veil, which is His flesh (Hebrews 10:20). The Holy Spirit is our guide on this way, and we are the ones who walk on it.
This article has been translated from Norwegian and was first published in the periodical Skjulte Skatter (Hidden Treasures) in February 1912.
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag | ActiveChristianity
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.