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Will God help me know what to do in my situation?
As a Christian, I want to be a good person. It isn’t always easy.

As a Christian, I want to be a good person and to help others. But often in the midst of good deeds and intentions, I become aware that things like selfishness and impatience rise up within me. I don’t always manage to be kind and good, especially when the pressure is on and things don’t go my way.
I can see that I need help to live a life where I can be truly good to others and pleasing in God’s sight. But where does this help come from? Will God help me to know what to do in my situation?
I read in 2 Timothy 2:19, where it is written, “The Lord knows those who are His…” This is a tremendous comfort to me! I believe with my whole heart that God knows me and cares for me. I can see that He wants to help me – He wants it to succeed!
How will God help me?
Now I ask myself the question, “How will God help me?” I cannot just sit in my own weakness, mourning over my shortcomings and waiting for something to happen. This won’t get me anywhere. No, I ask God for strength and power to overcome the thoughts that keep me from being good to others.
Jesus experienced the same weaknesses when He lived here on earth. He knew the seriousness of each situation; He knew that He could not take things lightly if He was going to be able to overcome. “Who in the days of His flesh, when He offered up prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear,” Hebrews 5:7. He was also tempted by the tendencies to sin in his own human nature, but He never obeyed them – He never sinned!
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Power through God's Word
Is it possible for me to overcome sin as Jesus did? I am thankful that it is! When my longing is to be truly good, God can show me the sin that dwells in my human nature and teach me to react in such a way that it has no control over my life. When I sense impatience or selfish thoughts rise up within me, then I can pray to God as Jesus did. He shows me His will in the situation and also strengthens my desire to be pleasing in His sight. Then, if I am obedient to what He has shown me and I consciously reject my evil thoughts and desires, He gives me power through His Word to overcome them!
When I overcome my own selfish demands, I am filled with joy and I have full freedom to bless the others! Each and every day gets better and better. Little by little, sin loses its power in my life and I am being transformed into a pure person, like Jesus Christ. What a comfort! When my whole heart’s desire is to live for God and I pray to Him in my need, then I am never alone in any of my situations! God really does help me!
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®, unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.